Friday, November 5, 2010

Thrax Render 1.0

This Is my first rendered version of the Megalothrax. I will be tweaking it slightly and re-rendering the beast next week ^_^

1 comment:

  1. awesome^^ love some of the tweeks you've made to some of the animation. the camera move, bones and rhino are all a nice touch. there seems to be a glitch at a frames missing...might just be my computer. i also think when the jaws do their little shake thing that it should be lessened, seems to extreme right now and out of place with the rest of the animation. and right at the end where the head goes to settle it feels there should be more overlap. have the head fall down more due to weight before returning to its neutral pose. the only other thing i have to say is....ITS ALIVE!!! ALIVE!!! THE CREATURE LIVES! haha way to go Tylor
